Saturday, February 9, 2013

Holy Guacamole

Okay, so the other day I decided I wanted some guacamole.  Since I've never made it before I figured I better look up some recipes online, I knew basically what I needed though. I looked at one recipe and decided that was enough, I would figure it out, I wanted my guac!! Ha : )  I have got to say, it came out so good and it was super easy!!

Here are my ingredients: 

2 avocados
2 roma tomatoes
1/2 onion
1 lime
a few green onions
garlic powder
red pepper flakes

Ok, so I know in this picture I have three avocados, but I ended up only using two.  Once I cut up two of them I thought that was enough because it was only going to be me eating it.  So, I cut up the avocados, diced up half the onion, cut both tomatoes, and used some of the green onion, then I cut the lime in half  and squeezed both halves over everything.  I then mixed everything together, making sure to not have to big of chunks of avocado.  I also put in a little bit of garlic powder and some red pepper flakes.  Normally, you would use a hot pepper but I didn't want to have to worry about still having some hot pepper juice on my hands at all (even after multiple washes) with the baby.

Let me tell you folks, this was so easy and so quick.  It took me, maybe 15 minutes to cut everything and mix it together!  If you're looking for a quick snack, whip this baby won't be disappointed! 
Yumm, Enjoy!! : )