Monday, January 21, 2013

Baby Shower Gift Basket

Have you ever struggled to come up with something for a baby shower or gone to the store and got the registry and pretty much everything has been purchased?! Well why not make a gift basket of things that are a little more practical then something they'll outgrown in 2 weeks. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE shopping for baby stuff, that seems to be all I do lately, I go to the store and always pick something up for my son, but, for this shower I really wanted to give something I knew they would use.  I  put together a gift basket of stuff that I was so thankful that someone had given us, or stuff I picked up later because I realized that we really needed it!

So here is what I brought to the baby shower that I went to this past weekend...

MAM Pacifiers, the box is a sterilizer, awesome!! and of course there has to be a book in it, one of my favs, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.

 Gas relief, so thankful someone got this for me, I didn't realize I would need it until I actually needed it so it was nice that I already had it and didn't need to run out at 11pm.  Saline drops for when they get their first stuffy nose or to just break up some they have in there (haha).  And, Infant Tylenol.  Thankfully I haven't had to use any yet (knock on wood) but it would really stink to come home from those first round of shots and have the baby spike a little fever and not have anything to give them, you're not going to want to bring them back out!

 hand and face wipes, cause everyone touches the baby! I am a germaphobe too, but my son was also a preemie and the nicu makes you one if you aren't already! which brings me to the wet ones, got to be able to wipe the stuff down!  and this Palmolive baby is awesome.  It really gets the milk residue out of the bottles and is great to use to clean toys and things.

 you definitely need a toy! they're fun but they also come in handy when you need to distract the baby from a shot or keep them from being super fussy.  And this blanket, is it not the cutest blanket ever, I love damask print anyway but this I just couldn't pass up and you can never have to many blankets.

Some other things that I had in the basket that I didn't take pictures of are some clothes hangers, you can never have to many of those either...Baby's get a lot of clothes!!  I also threw in some hand sanitizer, because again I'm a germaphobe and I always want to be able to have clean hands (I have purell everywhere), some travel wipes in a hard container for the diaper bag, and just a few washcloths, more as filler then anything but washcloths always come in handy too!

 TA-DA The finished product!!
The basket also has a chalkboard tag on the front of it (you can barely see it) so I wrote the baby's name on cute!!!

I really hope that she liked this! I know one of my favorite gifts was stuff that I got from other moms that they really liked!  If you have any other ideas let me know, I would love to hear them and I'll add them to my list for next time!!

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