Saturday, November 24, 2012

Well Hello!

4 Months ago I became a mommy, to the sweetest most perfect baby boy any girl could wish for!  He is my world! My husband and I decided that I would stay home with him, at least for now.  So what else do you do when you're staying home all day, in between spending every moment with my baby? yup, start another blog! yes I said "another" blog, thats right, I have three others going.  I'm not great at keeping them up so lets hope that this one is a little better.  I know it will be because I will be posting about the different crafts and things that I will be making, and I don't want to let you all down! (I say "you all" like people are actually reading this, haha probably just spambots, oh well!!) I hope you enjoy!!

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